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Animals Travel

Characteristics of animals and their interaction with the environment

Written by Kredipuanim

The physical and behavioral characteristics of animals are adaptations that allow them to interact with their environment These characteristics can be divided into three categories: morphological physiological and behavioral Morphological adaptations are physical features of an animal that help it survive in its environment For example a deer has long legs that allow it to run quickly through the forest and a hawk has sharp talons that help it catch prey Physiological adaptations are changes in an animal’s body that help it cope with its environment For example a polar bear has a thick coat of fur that helps it stay warm in the cold Arctic climate and a camel has thick skin that helps it stay cool in the desert Behavioral adaptations are changes in an animal

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Some animals are migratory and some are not Animals that are migratory often have a particular migration route that they follow each year Migratory animals may travel thousands of miles in order to reach their destination Some non-migratory animals stay in the same place all year long while others move around depending on the season

There are a number of different ways in which animals can be classified but one of the most common is by their interaction with the environment Animals can be grouped as either: 1. Terrestrial: These animals live on land and include mammals reptiles amphibians and birds 2. Aquatic: These animals live in water and include fish amphibians crustaceans and mollusks 3. Aerial: These animals live in the air and include insects bats and birds

One of the most important things to remember when looking at the interaction between animals and their environment is that no two species are exactly alike Each has its own unique set of characteristics that helps it to survive in its specific habitat

Some animals are solitary while others live in groups Some animals are migratory while others are not Some animals are territorial while others are not

Many animals have evolved specifically to interact with their environment For example some animals live in colonies while others are solitary Some animals are predators while others are prey

Birds: Birds are able to fly and have feathers They use their beaks to catch food and their feet to perch Fish: Fish live in water and have scales and fins They use their mouths to eat prey and breathe in water

The lion is the king of the jungle He is the largest and most powerful cat in the world The lion is a symbol of strength power and bravery Lions live in Africa and Asia

There are a variety of different animal characteristics that allow them to interact with their environment in different ways Some animals are fast and agile while others are slower but more sturdy Animals also have different senses that help them survive in their environment Some animals like bats use echolocation to navigate and find food while others like dogs use smell to find prey or track down their owners

Animals are classified into different categories depending on their physical characteristics and the way they interact with their environment Mammals for example are animals that have fur or hair breathe air and produce milk for their young They live on land and give birth to live young Amphibians on the other hand are animals that can live both in water and on land They have smooth slimy skin and need to keep moist in order to breathe

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