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Animals Health

aquatic animals

Written by Kredipuanim

1. Dolphin: Dolphins are one of the most playful and intelligent creatures in the ocean They are often seen swimming alongside boats and leaping out of the water 2. Seal: Seals are another common sight in coastal areas They are playful creatures that often swim close to shore making for great viewing opportunities 3. Orca: Orcas or killer whales are the largest members of the dolphin family They are easily identifiable by their black and white coloring and their impressive size 4. Manatee: Manatees or sea cows are gentle giants of the aquatic world They can be found in warm coastal waters and estuaries 5. Walrus: Walr

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Marine life is a broad term encompassing all animals that live in salt water These creatures can be divided into two categories: invertebrates and vertebrates Invertebrates are animals without a backbone while vertebrates have a spine

whales: Whales are the largest animals in the world They are aquatic mammals that live in the ocean There are different types of whales including sperm whales blue whales and humpback whales dolphins: Dolphins are a type of whale They are smaller than other whales and have a pointed snout Dolphins are very playful and social animals and can be found in many different parts of the world

1. dolphins Dolphins are marine mammals that are closely related to whales and porpoises They are found in all the world’s oceans and are particularly common in tropical and warm climates There are around forty species of dolphin and they vary in size from just a few feet long to over thirty feet long 2. sharks Sharks are a group of fish that have a cartilaginous skeleton and are therefore not related to bony fish They range in size from just a few inches long to over fifty feet long and can be found in all the world’s seas and oceans They are apex predators meaning that they are at the top of the food chain 3. se

Dolphins: Intelligent and playful dolphins are a favorite among marine life enthusiasts These creatures can be found in warm and temperate seas around the world

fish whales dolphins seals

whale: The whale is the largest living marine mammal They are found in all the world’s oceans and come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes Whales are carnivores and their diet consists mostly of fish dolphin: Dolphins are a widely distributed and diverse group of aquatic mammals They are found in all the world’s oceans and some species live in rivers and lakes Dolphins are carnivores and feed mostly on fish

1. Whale: The largest mammal in the world whales are a majestic sight They can be found in all the world’s oceans and there are around 80 different species 2. Dolphin: Dolphins are one of the most beloved creatures in the world They are playful and social animals that can be found in all the world’s oceans 3. Shark: Sharks have a bad reputation but they are actually very important for the health of our oceans There are around 440 different species of shark and they can be found in all aquatic environments 4. Ray: Rays are a type of fish that has a flattened body and wide wingspans There are around 200 different species of

Some of the aquatic animals that can be found in French waters are: – dolphins – porpoises – whales – seals – sea lions – sharks

whale A whale is a marine mammal Whales are the largest animals in the world

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