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Animals that change their behavior to adapt to the climate

Written by Kredipuanim

Bears: Bears hibernate during the winter They change their behavior and eat less so that their bodies can slow down and conserve energy Beavers: Beavers build dams to create ponds which help them stay cool in the summer The ponds also give them a place to store food and raise their young

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Birds: One of the most easily observable ways that birds adapt to climate change is through their choice of habitat As temperatures warm birds are moving northward and uphill to find cooler climates and areas with more access to food

Snowshoe hares: These animals have large furry feet which act like snowshoes This allows them to move around in the snow without sinking in

Some animals such as the Arctic fox change the color of their fur to blend in with their surroundings Others like the American beaver build dams to create more favorable habitats

Some animals change their behavior to adapt to the climate while others migrate For example some birds in colder climates will grow a thicker coat of feathers while others may fly to warmer areas for the winter Bears will hibernate during the winter and amphibians will change their skin color to match their surroundings

Arctic Foxes: The arctic fox has one of the most dramatic changes in coat color of any mammal In the summer they are a pale brown but in the winter they turn white to blend in with the snow

Penguins: Penguins have the ability to adapt their behavior to the climate For example when it is cold they will huddle together to keep warm and when it is hot they will move to cooler areas

Mammals: In the coldest parts of the world some mammals have developed coats of fur that are thicker in the winter and shed in the summer Others like Arctic foxes grow a layer of fat beneath their skin to keep them warm Birds: Many birds migrate to warmer climates during the winter Some like American Robins will fly south as far as Central America Others like Canada Geese will only fly as far south as the southern United States

Snowshoe hares: These animals live in cold climates and have large furry feet that act as snowshoes allowing them to stay on the surface of the snow

Some animals like the Arctic fox change their coat color to blend in with their surroundings Others like the Thomson’s gazelle alter their daily routine to avoid the hottest part of the day

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