According to Egyptian law real estate is defined as any land or structure that is permanently...
Category - Animals
Methods of asexual reproduction in animals
Budding: In budding a small bud grows from the parent organism and detaches as an independent...
Reproduction in oviparous animals
Oviparous animals are animals that lay eggs This is in contrast to viviparous animals which give...
Methods of reproduction in animals
There are three types of reproduction in animals: asexual sexual and parthenogenesis Asexual...
Conditions and patterns of reproduction in animals
One of the main functions of asexual reproduction is to produce genetically identical offspring...
The benefits of land and sea animals for humans and the...
Land animals provide us with food clothing and shelter They also help to create and maintain...
Adaptation of aquatic animals to their environment
Aquatic animals have developed a number of adaptations to their environment both in the water and...
Ecology of animals bases types problems
The ecology of animals bases types problems on the availability of food and water reproduction...
Classification of animals according to adaptation
How to be a successful student Create a study schedule and stick to it Make a list of things you...
Animals that live in the pastures
3 ways to make the most of your travel budget Find Deals: One of the best ways to save money on...